3rd Annual Conference - The Music Education Gathering Conference
Date: 1st-3rd November 2013
Conference theme: Legacies, Conversations, Aspirations
Venue: St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin
Keynotes: David Elliott (Canada/USA), Marie McCarthy (Ireland/USA), Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin (Ireland), Keith Swanwick (UK), Harry White (Ireland) and Sheila Woodward (South Africa/USA).
This unique event brought together the largest forum of international and national speakers on Music Education held in Ireland since the mid-1990s. Representing the third annual conference of the Society for Music Education in Ireland, The Music Education Gathering 2013 included keynote papers, music making workshops, showcase concerts, research papers and informal music happenings. It coincided with The Fidelio Trio Winter Music Festival featuring the London-based world renowned ensemble The Fidelio Trio with special guests.